Wisdom Tooth Extractions – Castle Rock, CO

Streamline Your Smile!

Someone with a nice smile

You might think that having another tooth to work with might be an advantage, but in the case of wisdom teeth, they’re often more of a liability than an asset. These late-life molars can cause all kinds of problems for your oral health, which is why they’re generally removed sometime in early adulthood.

If you’re near Castle Rock, CO, a wisdom tooth extraction from Smile Castle Rock can help you painlessly get rid of wisdom teeth you don’t need. Interested in streamlining your smile? Make an appointment for a consultation with us today!

Why Choose Smile Castle Rock for Wisdom Tooth Extractions? 

  • Experienced Dentist Who Will Attend to Your Needs
  • Advanced Dental Technology That Makes Extractions Easy
  • Can Perform a Wide Variety of Dental Procedures

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

3D render of an impacted wisdom tooth

In case you aren’t aware, “wisdom teeth” is the name given to the final molars to sprout, usually with 1-4 of them cropping up in the back of the mouth sometime in early adulthood.  It’s thought that these teeth were once necessary for our ancestors who tended to lose many of their molars in their adolescence. However, this is no longer the case for most people, which means that these wisdom teeth generally cause more problems for patients than they solve.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed? 

Someone holding their cheek in pain

In many cases, the emergence of wisdom teeth can cause significant oral health problems. For one, they often push the surrounding teeth out of position as they sprout, which leads to misalignment of the smile in general. They’re also much harder to clean than the other teeth due to where they’re located in the mouth, which means that they’re often susceptible to infection.

All that supposes that the wisdom tooth even emerges fully in the first place, which isn’t a certainty. Wisdom teeth have an outsized risk of becoming impacted, leading to discomfort or even cysts sprouting as a result.

If you notice redness, swelling, pain or teeth moving out of place around your new wisdom tooth, these are all signs that you might want to remove it.

What to Expect from the Wisdom Teeth Procedure 

Tooth held in a pair of forceps

What your wisdom tooth procedure is going to look like depends on a few factors, the most important of which is whether your extra tooth has sprouted fully yet. If it has, removing it will be a lot like extracting any other tooth; after numbing your mouth, we will use an elevator to gently lift your tooth from the socket and forceps to wiggle them out of place.

If your wisdom tooth is impacted, surgery may be necessary. We are capable of completing these wisdom tooth surgeries in-house, meaning that we can be with you through every step of this process.

Recovering From Wisdom Teeth Extraction 

Someone holding a tooth and smiling

You might be a little bit concerned about what aftercare will look like when it comes to your wisdom tooth surgery, but don’t worry—we’ll answer any questions that you have regarding recovery when we meet you. In the meantime, here are a few tips regarding aftercare that you might want to keep in mind:

  • Avoid using a straw, as this can pull the emerging clot out of place, leading to dry socket.
  • The same goes for smoking and spitting excessively.
  • Stick to a good oral hygiene routine, gently brushing and rinsing with saltwater.
  • Maintain a soft food diet in the days after your procedure.
  • Get plenty of rest, especially the day after surgery.
  • Take prescribed or OTC pain medicine as directed.

You may experience little bit of swelling, bleeding, or discomfort in the first few days after your procedure. However, if you adhere to treatment guidelines you should expect to feel back to normal within a week.

If you’re in need of wisdom tooth extraction, don’t delay—make an appointment for a consultation with us today!